Can Chickens Eat Celery?

Love it or hate it, celery is a highly nutritious food. It is a marshland plant that has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity. Celery and its seeds provide rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It can be eaten raw or cooked. But, can chickens eat celery?

Have you ever wondered whether you should be feeding your backyard chickens celery? Wondering how to prepare it to ensure that it is as easy as possible on your animal’s stomach? Well, that is what we want to take a look at on this page.

Can Chickens Eat Celery?

Absolutely! In fact, the question here isn’t so much; can chickens eat celery, it is ‘how much celery should my chickens be eating?‘.

This is because celery is absolutely packed to the brim with nutrients. Nutrients that can have an impact on the quality of egg that your chicken produces e.g. celery is a fantastic source for calcium, something that you can struggle to get outside of your typical chicken feed.

Obviously, you still do not want to give your chicken too much celery. The stomach of a chicken is quite small, so if you give them a ton of celery in lieu of other foods, then they may not be able to get all of the nutrients that they need.

can chickens eat celery
Chickens Can Eat Celery

How Much Celery Should Chickens Eat?

Not too much. As we said; celery is very nutritionally dense. Chickens do not need a lot to get all of the nutrients that they need. A couple of celery stalks between a coop of about six chickens each week should be more than enough to give them a good meal.

If you give them more than this, then you will run the risk of the chickens focusing on the celery a bit too much, and not the other food that is providing them with the nutrients that they need to be healthy.

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How to Prepare the Celery For Chickens To Eat

While you could, in theory, give your chickens whole celery stalks to nibble on, we probably wouldn’t recommend it. If you do that, there is zero chance that your chickens are going to be getting a balanced diet. Perhaps the best way to serve the celery to them is to cut it up into chunks and mix it up with a few other greens.

You may also want to mix a small amount into their standard chicken feed. However, this is something that we really do not recommend. This is because the celery will start to go rotten, and you do not want it impacting the rest of the feed as you are going to be giving your animal. It will make them sick.

You should only be leaving the celery with your chickens for a day or two at the most. Anything longer than this, and the celery will start to go rotten. The chicken will probably avoid eating it (chickens are great at not eating things they are supposed to avoid), but you probably do not want to be risking it.

If your chickens are not eating the celery, then you could soak it in water a little bit before you give it to them. This will soften it up a little, which may provide a bit of encouragement for your animal.

Chickens eating celery

Benefits of chickens eating celery

Feeding celery to chickens can offer several benefits, contributing to their overall health and well-being. While celery should be given in moderation and as part of a balanced diet, here are some potential advantages of incorporating celery into your chickens’ feed:

1. Hydration: Celery is primarily composed of water, which can help keep your chickens hydrated, especially during hot weather. Proper hydration is essential for optimal egg production and overall health.

2. Nutrient Boost: Celery contains essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Feeding your chickens celery can provide a nutrient boost, supporting their overall vitality and immune system.

3. Digestive Health: The dietary fiber in celery can aid in digestion and promote gut health in chickens. A healthy digestive system is essential for nutrient absorption and optimal egg production.

4. Enrichment and Foraging: Offering whole or chopped celery stalks can provide enrichment for your chickens. Pecking and exploring the celery can stimulate their natural foraging behaviors, keeping them active and engaged.

5. Vitamin K: Celery is a good source of vitamin K, which plays a role in blood clotting and bone health. Including celery in their diet can contribute to their overall vitamin K intake.

6. Low-Calorie Snack: Celery is low in calories, making it a suitable treat for chickens, especially if you’re concerned about their weight management.

7. Variety in Diet: Offering a variety of foods, including celery, can prevent dietary monotony and encourage chickens to consume a diverse range of nutrients.

8. Eggshell Quality: The minerals present in celery, such as calcium, can contribute to improved eggshell quality. Strong eggshells are crucial for reducing the risk of egg breakage and ensuring healthy chicks.

9. Natural Antioxidants: Celery contains antioxidants, such as vitamin C and flavonoids, which may have protective effects on cells and tissues. These antioxidants can contribute to your chickens’ overall health and vitality.

10. Environmental Enrichment: Providing celery as a treat can add environmental enrichment to your chickens’ daily routine, preventing boredom and promoting natural behaviors.

Important Considerations:

  • While celery offers benefits, it should be given in moderation and as part of a varied diet. Too much celery can lead to an imbalance in nutrients.
  • Wash celery thoroughly before feeding it to your chickens to remove any pesticides or contaminants.
  • Chop or cut celery into manageable pieces to prevent choking hazards for your chickens.
  • Always provide fresh, clean water alongside any treats, including celery.

Remember that celery should be offered as an occasional treat and not as a primary food source. A well-balanced diet for chickens includes a mix of commercial feed, grains, vegetables, fruits, and access to forage. Consulting with a poultry nutritionist or veterinarian can help you create a well-rounded diet that meets your chickens’ specific nutritional needs.


In short; chickens absolutely can eat celery. They are probably going to love it. However, do not overload them with celery. Make sure the celery forms part of a balanced diet. Perhaps the best way to serve them the celery is to mix it up.

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