Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin?

The pumpkin is relatively low in calories as it is 95% water and it is high in vitamins and minerals. Beside these benefits, it also contains antioxidants. But, can chickens eat pumpkin?

Got a bit of pumpkin leftover in the fall months? Well, you may be wondering whether your chickens can chow down on that pumpkin. Let’s take a little look, shall we?

can chickens eat pumpkin
Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin?

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin?

Chickens absolutely can eat pumpkin. They tend to love it too. You may even find that your chickens get a little bit healthier when you introduce a touch of pumpkin into their diet.

This is because pumpkins are rich in all sorts of nutrients and antioxidants. As with most vegetables, it is not something that you are going to want to be feeding to your chickens all that regularly (it doesn’t contain everything that they need), but as a quick treat here and there, it certainly shouldn’t go amiss having it in their diet.

There are some people who claim that pumpkin acts as a natural dewormer for chickens. Honestly, we do not know if this is the case.

There seems to be no scientific evidence that backs up this claim. However, let’s be honest, is there really any real need for scientists to look into whether pumpkins can deworm a chicken?

We are going to say that the answer is ‘no’. If it deworms your chickens, then great. If it doesn’t, then it is still worth giving them a bit of pumpkin every now and then.

How To Serve Pumpkin To Your Chickens

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin

Chickens can eat the pumpkin cooked or raw. This means that it is going to be fantastic to serve them if you have a few leftovers. You can also crack open a pumpkin that have freshly carved for Halloween and give the chickens the leftover pumpkin.

When we are feeding our backyard chickens a bit of pumpkin, we tend to serve them it cubed. This way we can mix it up with a few other vegetables. You are basically creating a fall salad for them.

However, if you want, you can also slice the top of the pumpkin off and allow the chickens to peck away at the insides like this.

While we are positive that your chickens are going to be more than capable of punching through the pumpkin skin with their beaks, we have seen some chickens that have been a little bit confused about what to do, so it is always best to give them a helping hand.

As we said, you shouldn’t be giving your chickens too much in the way of pumpkin. Keep it to the minimum. If you give them too much, then they will overindulge.

This means that they will not be eating the food that they are supposed to eat. This could leave them a bit less productive. This is probably the last thing you want.

Chickens can eat pumpkin but as with most fresh things that you are feeding your chickens, you will want to clean up after them the same day. While pumpkin doesn’t rot anywhere near as fast as some other vegetables, it is going to be rotting eventually.

You will want to clean it out to ensure that it is not attracting pests!

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Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin and Pumpkin Seeds?

As autumn arrives, backyard chicken keepers have an abundant source of garden goodness to offer their flock – pumpkins! These classic fall gourds offer a tasty treat, but can chickens eat pumpkin flesh, seeds, vines and leaves safely?

Let’s explore the benefits and potential risks of feeding chickens fresh pumpkin as well as dried pumpkin treats like seeds and pumpkin meal. Important guidance includes how much to offer, which parts to avoid, and how to incorporate pumpkin appropriately into a chicken’s diet. Get ready to harvest the joys of pumpkins with your flock this season!

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin Flesh?

Fresh pumpkin offers a cornucopia of nutrition and fiber. The flesh is quite safe for chickens to eat. Its many benefits include:

  • Moisture content – Pumpkin fruit is around 90% water, providing much needed hydration. The water content helps thin chickens’ crop contents for better digestion.
  • Vitamin A – Pumpkin is very high in beta-carotene, which chickens convert to vitamin A. This aids vision, bone development, immunity and tissue growth.
  • Anti-oxidants – Pumpkins contain some of the highest levels of disease-fighting antioxidants like vitamin C, E and zinc compared to other vegetables. These boost chicken health.
  • Electrolytes – Pumpkin provides a variety of electrolytes like potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Electrolytes have many functions including hydration.
  • Fiber – The tough flesh and stringy fibers promote healthy digestion and gizzard function. Pumpkin acts as a natural gentle laxative.

With all these great nutritional attributes, pumpkin flesh makes an excellent supplemental feed. Just stick to a few recommended guidelines when offering it.

Guidelines for Feeding Pumpkin Flesh

  • Start slow – Introduce small amounts at first to observe reactions as excessive quantities may cause loose droppings temporarily.
  • Chop thoroughly – Cut or mash the flesh into small bite-sized pieces so chickens don’t choke.
  • Limit frequency – Offer pumpkin as a treat just 1-2 times per week at most. Too much can lead to vitamin A toxicity.
  • Store properly – Refrigerate uneaten pumpkin and remove within 24 hours as bacteria multiply quickly on cut fruits and vegetables. Discard if any odor or sliminess develops.

As long as introductions are gradual and pumpkin remains fresh, chickens can certainly savor modest portions to take advantage of the superfood nutrients. Now let’s look at the benefits of dried pumpkin parts.

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin Seeds?

The seeds within pumpkins, sometimes called pepitas, are packed with healthy fats, protein and minerals. Chicken keepers may wonder can chickens eat pumpkin seeds? The answer is yes, in moderation. Some advantages of pumpkin seeds for chickens include:

  • Plant protein- Pumpkin seeds contain amino acids like arginine and tryptophan to complement protein from grain sources.
  • Healthy fats – High in monounsaturated fats like oleic acid to enhance metabolism and fat-soluable vitamin absorption.
  • Zinc and magnesium – These seeds offer more zinc and magnesium than most plants to support immune function and enzyme activity.
  • Fiber – Their thick hulls add insoluble fiber to stimulate digestion.
  • Fun foraging – Chickens eagerly pick through treats for shelled seeds, satisfying natural foraging urges.

With their concentrated nutrition, pumpkin seeds make an enticing supplement. But some constraints are necessary:

Guidelines for Feeding Pumpkin Seeds

  • Give seeds unsalted and dry-roasted at low temperatures if possible to preserve nutrients. Avoid added seasonings.
  • Offer only whole seeds, never cracked or ground, to minimize chance of impacted crops.
  • Limit portions to one or two tablespoons of seeds per chicken just 1-2 times per week.
  • Mix with scratch grains or loose substrate to encourage natural foraging behavior and exercise.

Monitor chick health after initial offerings to watch for any issues. Given proper precautions, seeds provide terrific nutritional variety. Next let’s look at another processed pumpkin byproduct: pumpkin meal.

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin Meal and Dried Pumpkin?

Pumpkin meal consists of dried, ground pumpkin flesh and seeds blended into a powder supplement. Can chickens eat dried pumpkin meal? Yes, in small amounts! Considerations include:


  • Concentrated nutrition from pulp and seeds
  • Vastly extends shelf life compared to fresh pumpkin
  • Allows including pumpkin in feed mixes year-round
  • Pigment enhances egg yolk color


  • Use minimally – Excess vitamin A can accumulate to toxic levels
  • Mix thoroughly – Prevent chickens selectively eating only the meal
  • Avoid wetting – Rehydrated meal increases choking risk from swelling

A quarter cup mixed into 50 pounds of feed is a safe ratio. Sprinkle on top to free range birds to enhance foraging. Dried pumpkin meal makes a nutritious addition in moderation.

Finally, let’s examine whether chickens can eat all pumpkin plant parts…

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin Leaves, Vines and Stems?

While the pumpkin itself is perfectly edible, other pumpkin plant components like the leaves, vines and stems are not advisable for chickens. Reasons to avoid these include:

  • Low palatability – Chickens tend not to browse these tough, fibrous parts.
  • Diarrhea risk – Too much fresh, leafy pumpkin foliage can cause loose droppings.
  • Toxic compounds – Pumpkin foliage and vines contain compounds like cucurbitacins that can be toxic at high levels if eaten in volume.
  • Pesticide exposure – Eating large amounts of plants potentially exposes chickens to chemical residues if pumpkins were conventionally farmed.
  • Mold risk – Decaying vines or diseased foliage can contain hazardous fungi and mycotoxins.

While not acutely poisonous, excessive consumption of any part of the pumpkin plant could cause health issues for chickens. Focus feeding on the pumpkin itself.

Tips for Offering Pumpkin Treats

Follow these tips for safely incorporating pumpkin into your flock’s diet:

  • Select pumpkins free of pesticides, mold or rot. Grow your own or choose organic varieties whenever possible.
  • Wash dirt from the exterior well before cutting. Bacteria can transfer from the rind to the flesh.
  • Refrigerate cut pumpkin tightly wrapped and use within 3 days. Discard at any signs of sliminess.
  • Remove all stems, vines and stringy fibers which are choking hazards. Also scoop out pulpy seeds.
  • Mash or finely chop pumpkin. Pieces should be no larger than 1/2 inch cubes to prevent choking.
  • Add probiotics like apple cider vinegar or yogurt to feed after providing high-moisture treats like pumpkin. This rebalances gut microbes.
  • Store all seeds, dried pumpkin, and meal in sealed containers to prevent vitamin degradation and pests.

With common sense preparation and feeding, the joys and nutrition of pumpkin can be shared safely with backyard flocks each autumn. Incorporate this season delight as a small part of a balanced diet. Both you and your chickens will reap wonderful benefits!

In summary, pumpkin and its dried byproducts make a nutritious autumn treat that chickens can safely enjoy in moderation. The pumpkin flesh provides hens with abundant vitamin A, antioxidants, electrolytes, and hydration from its high water content. Just be sure to introduce small portions at first and limit intake frequency to avoid digestive upset. Properly store or dispose of any excess.

The seeds contained within pumpkins also offer healthy fats, plant protein, minerals, and fun foraging opportunities. Follow similar portion guidelines for whole, unsalted seeds. Avoid allowing chickens to selectively overeat seeds from the feed mix. Dried, ground pumpkin meal provides concentrated nutrition but is also easy to overdo.

While the pumpkin itself is completely edible, exercise caution with other pumpkin plant parts. Avoid stems, foliage and vines which contain fibrous and mildly toxic compounds. Focus supplemental feed on the flesh and seeds only.

When sourcing pumpkins, select organic non-GMO varieties whenever possible. Wash thoroughly before cutting to prevent transference of bacteria from the rind. Refrigerate cut pumpkin tightly wrapped and use within a few days.

Most importantly, provide pumpkin treats in moderation as part of a balanced diet. The high vitamin A content can become toxic if overfed for prolonged periods. Follow suggested guidelines, and both you and your flock will enjoy the fall bounty of pumpkins safely.

Can chickens eat pumpkins?
More Fruits and Vegetables You Can Feed Your Backyard Chickens

While pumpkins make a nutritious seasonal treat, chickens benefit from a wide variety of fresh produce beyond basic feed rations. Certain fruits and veggies provide important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Offering a diverse mix promotes overall flock health and productivity.

Let’s look at some top fruity and veggie options to supplement your chickens’ diets:


Apples – A favorite boredom buster for chickens. High in vitamin C and quercetin antioxidants. Helpful for respiratory health. Can feed core and skin.

Berries – Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries. Packed with vitamin C. Provide antioxidants like anthocyanins. Stimulate egg yolk color. Offer a few each.

Melons – Cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon. High moisture content keeps chickens hydrated. Serve small wedges. Avoid choking on rinds.

Citrus – Oranges, grapefruits, clementines, Satsumas. Juicy fruits offer vitamin C. Acids help balance gut pH. Feed peeled segments or squeezed juice.

Tomatoes – Technically a fruit, tomatoes provide carotenoids like lycopene for immunity. Can hang whole tomatoes as treat balls.

Pears – A healthy low acid fruit. Fibrous flesh aids digestion. Good for training chickens to come when called. Chop large pears.


Leafy Greens – Kale, chard, lettuce, spinach. Packed with antioxidants, vitamin K, and carotenes. Chop well and feed sparingly at first.

Squash – Butternut, acorn, zucchini, summer squash. Provides hydration, fiber, vitamin A, and carotenes for vitamin A precursor. Cook hard squashes first.

Broccoli and Cauliflower – Excellent sources of vitamins C, K, A, and folate. Feed florets. Can be lightly steamed first but not required. High in goitrogens so moderate intake.

Peas and Beans – Good plant-based protein and lysine for balanced diets. Sprouted varieties offer enhanced nutrition. Can ferment pulp from making plant-milk.

Carrots – Rich in beta carotene, biotin, vitamins K and B. Strengthens mucous membranes. Slice or shred for ease of eating.

Sweet Potatoes – Beneficial carbohydrates, vitamin A, and antioxidants. Can feed baked or raw mashed flesh. Avoid green portions and leaves.

Guidelines for Fruits and Vegetables

When providing fresh produce:

  • Introduce new items slowly and watch for reactions. Diarrhea or runny droppings indicate too much sugars or fiber.
  • Limit fruits overall since sugar content can be high for chickens’ needs if overfed. Vegetables often fit better as main ingredients.
  • Chop/mash small for ease of eating. Pieces should be no larger than chickpea size.
  • Clean thoroughly and remove any wilted or rotten sections. Don’t feed moldy produce.
  • Offer once or twice a week as a supplemental treat, not a daily staple.
  • Provide a wide variety over time for diversity. Rotate different produce.

Take advantage of seasonal bounty from your garden or farmers markets. With some common sense, chickens can enjoy fruits and veggies safely!

See also: Can Chickens Eat Asparagus?

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