Chicken Grit – What, When and How To Feed Chickens Grit

If you have chickens, then it is recommended that you always have some chicken grit available for them to use. So, what is chicken grit? Why do you need it? In fact, do you really need it?

That is what we are going to take a look at on this page!

In a hurry?

If you don’t have much time use the links below to quickly find the Best Chicken Grit for your chickens and chicks on Amazon. You can be assured we only choose the best products…

– Best Chicken Grit – Manna Pro Oyster Shell
– Best Oyster Shell – Small Pet Select Oyster Shell for Chickens
– Best Grit For Chicks – Manna Pro Chick Grit with Probiotics

What is Chicken Grit?

Chicken grit is, simply, a hard substance. Almost like small rocks, that the chicken can eat. Although, they are not eating it for nutrition.

It is so that they can break up the foods that they do eat. Chickens need some sort of grit in their diet, otherwise, it is going to be impossible for them to digest the vast majority of foods.

Although, we are going to talk more about that in a short while.

What types of chicken grit?

Chicken grit comes in various types, each serving a specific purpose in aiding the digestion of poultry. The two main categories of chicken grit are insoluble grit and soluble grit, both of which provide essential benefits to the digestive process of chickens. Here’s a breakdown of the types of chicken grit:

  1. Insoluble Grit: Insoluble grit consists of hard and abrasive materials that chickens consume to help grind down their food in the gizzard. This type of grit is essential for breaking down whole grains, seeds, and other tough foods. Common materials used in insoluble grit include:
    • Crushed granite
    • Small stones
    • Gravel
    • Pea-sized rocks
    • Oyster shells
  2. Soluble Grit: Soluble grit contains minerals that are soluble and can be absorbed by the chickens’ digestive system. This type of grit is particularly important for providing essential nutrients for eggshell formation and overall bone health. Common materials used in soluble grit include:
    • Crushed eggshells
    • Calcium carbonate
    • Oyster shell flour
  3. Mixed Grit: Mixed grit is a combination of both insoluble and soluble grit, providing a comprehensive source of abrasive particles and essential minerals. It ensures that chickens receive both the mechanical grinding benefits and the nutritional advantages of grit consumption.

Choosing the right type of grit for your chickens depends on their specific needs and diet. Insoluble grit is essential for all chickens to aid in digestion, while soluble grit becomes particularly important for laying hens to support eggshell development. Some commercial chicken grit products combine both types of grit to provide a balanced solution for overall digestive health.

When offering grit to your chickens, consider their age, activity level, and whether they have access to natural sources of grit in their environment. Grit should be made available in a separate container from their regular feed, allowing the chickens to consume it as needed. Providing appropriate grit ensures that your chickens can effectively process their food, leading to improved overall health and productivity.

chicken grit
Oyster Shell for Chickens

When it comes to chicken grit, you have a few different options available.

Honestly, it doesn’t really matter what type of grit you provide them with. It is all going to do pretty much the same job.

However, when it comes to our backyard chickens, we tend to go for oyster shells (crushed). We have tried this one and it is definitely one of the best. Our chickens love it.

The crushed oyster shells, erodes more easily than an inert grit like the crushed granite, but less easily than other forms of calcium carbonate like the aragonite.

This is because oyster shells can add a little bit of calcium to the diet, which is absolutely fantastic for raising chickens that lay fantastic eggs!

Although, as we said, it probably won’t matter all that much. While you can make the grit yourself, and a lot of backyard chicken owners do, we find that grit is affordable enough that you do not really need to do this.

Just buy a small bag. It is going to last an age, particularly if your chickens are free-range chickens, or if they are mostly eating commercial chicken feed.

Any grit labeled as insoluble grit will be made up of small stones, most likely granite, which has been finely ground up.

When you are buying this type of grit, you will want to ensure that whatever you purchase has been rated for the size of the chickens that you own.

The same if you buy soluble grit (made up of shells), or mixed grit, which is made up of a combination of both.

Why do Chickens Need Grit?

Chickens do not digest food in the same way that we digest food. They do not have a stomach.

Instead, they have a gizzard. The gizzard is a muscle that helps to grind down the food that the chicken consumes.

The problem is that the gizzard isn’t strong enough alone to grind the food up.

It needs a bit of extra power, and this is obtained by chicken grit. The chicken grit moves in sync with the gizzard muscle.

The chicken grit is hard enough that it will help to break down the food that the chicken has eaten. Over time, the grit will start to get ground up too. This will then be ‘digested’ in the same way.

That being said, some people will make the claim that chickens do not grit supplements. We suppose that this is true, to an extent.

You see, chickens may be a purely commercial bird, but they were bred from birds that lived in the wild.

Obviously, these birds are not receiving grit supplements. If your chicken is free-range, then they may be able to pick up enough stones and other ‘grit-like’ substances that you do not need to supplement with grit.

The same if your chicken is only eating commercial chicken food. Their gizzards should be strong enough to break it up alone.

However, we still recommend that you make grit available to them. Even if they do not take the chicken grit, they are going to enjoy the fact that it is there. It allows them to take it if absolutely required.

How To Feed Chickens Grit?

Honestly, it doesn’t matter how much chicken grit you put in the chicken coop or run. Chickens will only consume it when they need it.

You do not have to worry about them overeating the grit, simply because it is impossible for them to do so. Therefore, all you need to do is ensure that chicken grit levels are kept topped up.

If you can do that, then you can guarantee your chickens will always have enough access to grit to help them digest their food.

This is a simple and affordable chicken grit feeder that we bought from Amazon.

When Do Chickens Need Grit?

Chickens need grit especially during the summer when the weather is warm and so the chickens eat less, so the calcium in their regular ration may not be enough. This can result in thin-shelled eggs.

The amount of grit that a hen needs varies with her age and diet. In general older hens need more calcium than younger hens because their bones have been exhausted.

Free-range chickens or pasture chickens obtain some calcium by eating bugs and worms, but may not obtain enough to meet their needs.

Also, if you notice chickens eating their own eggs, this is a sign that they do not have enough calcium in their diet.

Do Baby Chicks Need Grit?

Yes, baby chicks need grit. They definitely need it. Basically you will want to introduce grit to your chicks once they start eating foods other then their ‘chick starter’ food, at about 2 weeks of age.

chicken grit
Baby chicks need grit

The ‘chick grit’ or ‘baby grit’ is smaller than the one for chickens. As said earlier, it is used to stimulate gizzard development, that is why it is good for the chicks to get started young so they develop good gizzards.

This is one of the best chick grit that we have tried:

It is worth noting that If your chicks are eating the commercial chick starter food, then they probably do not need grit, because the food may already contain. Read the description carefully.

What is Chicken grit?

what animals eat grit?

Animals that have gizzards as part of their digestive system often consume grit to aid in the grinding and breakdown of food. Grit serves as an abrasive substance in the gizzard, helping to mechanically process food that lacks teeth for chewing. Here are some animals that commonly consume grit:

  1. Birds:
    • Chickens
    • Turkeys
    • Ducks
    • Geese
    • Pigeons
    • Doves
    • Quails
    • Game birds (pheasants, partridges, etc.)
  2. Reptiles:
    • Certain species of turtles

Grit is particularly important for birds that consume seeds, grains, and other hard materials as part of their diet. These animals rely on grit to break down their food into smaller, digestible particles. In the wild, many of these animals naturally seek out sources of grit, such as small rocks and pebbles, to aid in their digestion.

For domesticated animals or those kept in controlled environments, providing supplemental grit is important to ensure proper digestion. Insoluble grit, which consists of small, hard particles, is commonly offered to birds and reptiles. This grit helps them grind down their food in the gizzard.

It’s worth noting that animals that primarily consume soft or pre-digested foods, such as carnivores that eat meat, may not require grit in their diet. Grit is most beneficial for animals with diets that include harder substances that need to be broken down before digestion.

Types of Chicken Grit

Chicken grit comes in various types, each serving a specific purpose in aiding the digestion of poultry. The two main categories of chicken grit are insoluble grit and soluble grit, both of which provide essential benefits to the digestive process of chickens. Here’s a breakdown of the types of chicken grit:

  1. Insoluble Grit: Insoluble grit consists of hard and abrasive materials that chickens consume to help grind down their food in the gizzard. This type of grit is essential for breaking down whole grains, seeds, and other tough foods. Common materials used in insoluble grit include:
    • Crushed granite
    • Small stones
    • Gravel
    • Pea-sized rocks
    • Oyster shells
  2. Soluble Grit: Soluble grit contains minerals that are soluble and can be absorbed by the chickens’ digestive system. This type of grit is particularly important for providing essential nutrients for eggshell formation and overall bone health. Common materials used in soluble grit include:
    • Crushed eggshells
    • Calcium carbonate
    • Oyster shell flour
  3. Mixed Grit: Mixed grit is a combination of both insoluble and soluble grit, providing a comprehensive source of abrasive particles and essential minerals. It ensures that chickens receive both the mechanical grinding benefits and the nutritional advantages of grit consumption.

Choosing the right type of grit for your chickens depends on their specific needs and diet. Insoluble grit is essential for all chickens to aid in digestion, while soluble grit becomes particularly important for laying hens to support eggshell development. Some commercial chicken grit products combine both types of grit to provide a balanced solution for overall digestive health.

When offering grit to your chickens, consider their age, activity level, and whether they have access to natural sources of grit in their environment. Grit should be made available in a separate container from their regular feed, allowing the chickens to consume it as needed. Providing appropriate grit ensures that your chickens can effectively process their food, leading to improved overall health and productivity.

How To Make Your Own Chicken Grit

You can use eggshells, to make your own chicken grit. The eggshells contain exactly the right calcium balance and may be recycled back to the hens to help replenish lost calcium and other nutrients.

Get the eggshells that you have used. Make sure that you wash the shells. Then you need to dry them and crush them on small peaces before feeding them to hens.

You should slowly bake them in the oven, until they are nice and crisps. Do this for 10 minutes in a 300°F (150°C). Or you can always dry them by spreading them on a sheet of paper in the sun.

4 thoughts on “Chicken Grit – What, When and How To Feed Chickens Grit”

  1. Pingback: The Cost of Raising Chickens - Guide For 2023 - ChickenMag

  2. I appreciate you letting us know that chicken grit refers to the hard substance similar to small rocks that chickens eat to help break up their food. My dad has been taking care of the farm ever since he retired last year, and he recently decided to start raising chickens there. I’ll keep this in mind while I help him find a poultry grit supplier in NSW to contact for the grit supply his chickens need soon.

  3. Pingback: What Bugs Do Chickens Eat? Our Top 12 - ChickenMag

  4. Pingback: Cream Legbar Chicken - A Unique Crested Blue Egg Laying Breed

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