Best Chicken Coop With Run And Nesting Box for 6-8 Chickens

chicken coops with run and nesting box
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There are several reasons why you need a quality chicken coop when you are raising chickens. Obviously, the most important is so that you do not have your chickens running amok. Chickens absolutely love to explore, but you still need a place for them to be able to return to. A place that they can call home.

The second is that they need somewhere that can protect them. Chickens are prey animals. If they are not in a coop, they are liable to being snacked on by all sorts of predators.

They also need to be protected from all types of weather conditions, to much sunlight or rain can be bad for their health and their egg laying capabilities.

But, looking for the best chicken coop for your backyard flock can be quite stressful when it comes to weighing the price versus the quality of the chicken coop.

On this page, we want to introduce you to 9 of the best chicken coops on the market right now.

PawHut 83″ Wooden Backyard Chicken Coop with Covered Run and Nesting Box

chicken coop for 6 chickens

Overall Dimensions: 83.25″ L x 35.5″ W x 48″ H

If you need a larger chicken coop but you do not have a huge amount of space to put one in, this Pawhut may be the perfect option for you.

One of the highlights of this chicken coop (other than the fact that it looks fantastic), is the fact that the chicken house sits above the run. There is a lengthy ramp leading up to it. This means that there is actually run space underneath the housing, which is a bit on the rarer side, so we love it!

There is a large nesting box on the side of this backyard chicken coop, and there is a hinged lid that will provide you with access to the nesting box. This makes it easy to collect any eggs. You can even use it to place eggs in, if you want! (perfect for broody chickens!)

As with the other Pawhut backyard chicken coop on this list, the fir wood that this chicken coop has been constructed with has been treated to ensure that it is not going to falter, even if the weather turns a little bit hideous.

Chicken Coop, 70” Wooden Chick Coop With Nesting Boxes

This chicken coop is absolutely massive. Just like the previous option on this list, this Chicken Coop should have more than enough space for your flock of chickens.

To us, one of the highlights of this chicken coop is the fact that it boasts nesting boxes. Most of the similar products on the market will have just one nesting box.

This provides more than enough space for your chickens to lay their eggs if you are raising an egg flock. You have doors that directly lead to each of these nesting boxes, which means it should be no issue pulling the eggs out.

We love the fact that this chicken coop is easy to assemble. Other products that we have seen on the market will often have you jumping through hoops trying to work out goes where. All of the holes are pre-drilled, and the instructions easy to understand, which will make assembly an absolute breeze.

Not raising chickens? Well, you will be pleased to know that this chicken coop is multi-use. A lot of coop owners are actually using this to raise rabbits and guinea pigs.

PawHut 77″ Wooden Backyard Chicken Coop Kit with 2-Part Nesting Box and Run

best chicken coops backyard

This chicken coop has been designed to be a minimalistic coop, while at the same time providing a bit of decoration for your outdoor areas.

The main house will provide you with:

  • A chicken nesting box
  • An outdoor run
  • A chicken house

This means that your chickens will have more than enough to keep them happy in one, neat little unit. You have multiple access points to the chicken coop too, which means you can do your daily caretaking tasks without any issues.

Despite being made of wood, this is a bit of kit that will last you years. It is 100% waterproof, so you do not have to worry about wood rot and the like, something that you would normally have to worry about on cheaper wooden coops. The chicken wire used on the outdoor run is tough enough to keep all predators at bay too. Your chickens will love this. In fact, you will love this.

If you have a ton of chickens, then this coop may not be for you. However, if you are maintaining a smaller flock of birds, and want something that looks stunning in your garden, then we reckon that this Pawhut Wooden Backyard Chicken Coop may be just the ticket.

Giantex Large Metal Chicken Coop Walk-in

chicken coop with nesting box

This chicken coop from Giantex is available in a plethora of different sizes. All of them should be easy to walk into so that you can maintain your chickens and collect their eggs.

The large size also means that your chickens will have a ton of ability to wander around and forage to their heart’s content.

One of the things we love about this chicken coop is just how solidly it is built. It boasts a steel frame, which is galvanized.

This means that you do not have to worry too much about rust or the coop giving in after years of exposure to the outside elements. It is also incredibly easy to clean too, which is amazing.

You can be sure that your chickens are going to be well-protected when they are inside of this chicken coop. The holes in the mesh are tiny, and this means that your chickens can be kept out of reach. No predators are getting through these metal bars.

Lovupet Waterproof Wooden Chicken Coop Backyard Nest Box Pet Cage Rabbit Hen Hutch Small Animal House 4350

chicken coop with nesting box

Overall Dimensions: 76.77”L x 28.9” W x 38.58” H

Made from fir wood with safeguard waterproof paint this chicken coop can be used outdoor without warring of the weather conditions.

This  really nice looking chicken house is divided into two areas, an indoor living area and a run, where your chickens can have their outdoor activities. They can play and sunbathe in a space with barbed wire nets. This is especially good if you don’t want them to move around outside freely.

One great feature of this chicken coop is that it has a metal tray that can be removed for cleaning.

It has nice size for three chickens, we think that it would be too small for more chickens. However if you are a backyard chicken hobbyist, this would be a perfect chicken coop for your small flock.

It has an indoor nesting box where hens can comfortably lay their eggs but it can be used for easy feeding as well.

SENY Farm Garden Window Wooden Large Chicken Coop

Overall Dimensions:  Dimension: L85 x W58 x H52

This stylish and a very nice looking chicken coop from Seny, can perfectly fit 5 medium sized chickens.

It has a waterproof roof covered with asphalt for enhanced weather protection. 

The good thing about this coop, as with all in out list, is that you do not need to worry about chicken predators, like snake or possums as it is made from fir wood and a steel wire. Your chickens will be safe.

We know that it is a little bit pricey compared to the other chicken coops in our list, but we were not able to adore its stylish look and its solid design.

It has a place for two nesting boxes where your hens can lay eggs, and you will have access to the nesting boxes from the outside. Other great feature is that the indoor part is above the ground so your chickens will have larger space to roam.

Pets Imperial Double Savoy Large Chicken Coop with 2 Nest Boxes and Run Suitable for Up to 10 Small Birds

best chicken coop for backyard chickens with run

Overall dimensions: 4ft 9″W x 3ft 3″D x 3ft 1″H with 4ft 6″ run

If you keep Serama chickens or some other small chicken breed, then you can keep up to 10 of this birds in this chicken coop at max.

However, we think that it would be perfect for 4-5 medium sized chickens. Do not try to push for more please. The indoor part has enough room for sleeping and laying eggs.

It has nesting boxes from both sides and a removable tray on the bottom providing an easy and comfortable way of cleaning. One very useful feature is that the run has a separate door on the side so you can clean that area very easy.

One concern is that the run does not have a portion of the roof that can be lifted up, so that you can easily place food and water in without making a mess. But using chicken waterer and feeder like the Royal lRooster, may solve theat problem.

BestPet Chicken Coop Chicken Cage Pens

best chicken coop with run and nesting box for 6 chickens

This is a perfect chicken coop for those that want great quality for an affordable price. It can be assembled for just 30 mins.

It comes in many different sizes so you can choose the one most suited for your needs. If you have a larger flock then you can buy two and hook them together.

It comes with a tarp with UV protection, keeping your chickens safe from the sun light or the rain.

This is a great option to consider even if you already have a small chicken coop, because you can most probably extend it with this coop that is a run in the same time. You will need to buy a separate nesting box, though. We have purchased two from the Little Giant nest boxes and they are really great.

Outdoor Wooden Chicken Coop 

Our last option on this list is the more affordable option, but bear in mind that it is only going to be for the smallest of flocks. It still boasts a ton of awesome features, though.

This includes a great nesting box, a raised chicken house, and a substantial run for your chickens to get a bit of exercise in.

If you are living to a budget with raising your chickens, then this is a fantastic option.

Oh, and don’t worry. It is still well-built, despite the low price. Predators won’t get in, and your chickens won’t escape. The treated wood is also more than capable of dealing with extreme weather conditions.

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