Can Chickens Eat Blueberries

Blueberries are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K. They are incredibly good for humans to eat, but can chickens eat blueberries? A question you have no doubt asked yourself.

After all, chickens can eat the vast majority of things that humans eat. The question is….should they be eating them?

That is what we are going to take a little look at on this page!

Can Chickens Eat Blueberries?

They can! A few blueberries may also be good for them on occasion too. After all, blueberries are also going to be high in some nutrients. Chickens absolutely love eating blueberries too. This is because they do not need to do much. Most chickens will be able to swallow the blueberries whole.

Your main issue isn’t whether you should be giving chickens blueberries, it should be how many you should be giving them. Obviously, the various nutrients packed into blueberries are good.

Can Chickens Eat Blueberries
Can Chickens Eat Blueberries

However, blueberries are also going to be incredibly high in sugar. Chickens can get addicted to sugar just as much as we can get addicted. Therefore, you want to be keeping it to the absolute minimum.

Your chickens should have no more than 10% of their diet being formed of fruits.

Prepare Blueberries for Chickens to Eat

You do not need to do much here. Just give them the blueberries. We suggest that you put them in a separate bowl from other food. This way it is easier to clean up the mess.

If you have several chickens, then you may want to spread the blueberries across multiple bowls. This way everybody is going to be able to feast.

We do suggest that you mix up the blueberries with other fruits. It is going to be a bit more exciting for your chickens like that. It will also provide them with a greater spread of vitamins.

Beside blueberries, there are other fruits you can feed your backyard chickens like:

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Are Blueberries Bad for Chickens?

If you are giving blueberries to your chickens for the first time, we do suggest that you keep an eye on their consumption. Obviously, you want to be looking at whether they are eating them or not.

Although, to be honest, most chickens are going to love blueberries. Your biggest concern will be if your chickens change their bowel habits. If their poop is a little bit more liquid than normal (or they seem to have slowed down or changed their egg production), then you may want to reconsider giving them a lot of fruit. You need to cut back.

In addition to this, you will want to clean out your chicken coop regularly if you are giving your chickens a lot of fruit. Little bits of fruit can get lost. These will rot and one of two things could happen:

The rotting fruit will attract pests. Your chickens will eat it, and they will get sick.

Can chickens eat blueberries?

Introducing blueberries to a chicken’s diet is more than just a flavorful treat; it’s a boost of wholesome nutrients that contribute to their overall health. These tiny, vibrant berries pack a nutritional punch that can benefit our feathered friends in various ways. As a rancher or poultry enthusiast, understanding the specific nutrients in blueberries can help you make informed decisions about incorporating them into your chickens’ diet.

Blueberries are renowned for their high levels of antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which give the berries their rich color. These antioxidants play a crucial role in combating free radicals, promoting immune health, and reducing oxidative stress. For chickens, a robust immune system is essential to ward off infections and maintain their well-being, making blueberries a natural and delicious way to support their health.

Additionally, blueberries are a source of essential vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin K. Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting properties and can contribute to the overall vitality of your flock. Vitamin K plays a key role in blood clotting, aiding in the healing of wounds and preventing excessive bleeding. By incorporating blueberries into your chickens’ diet, you’re providing them with a tasty source of these vital vitamins that contribute to their daily wellness.

The fiber content in blueberries is another noteworthy attribute, contributing to healthy digestion in chickens. Adequate fiber intake supports proper gut function, nutrient absorption, and can prevent digestive disturbances. With blueberries as a part of their diet, your chickens can enjoy not only a flavorful indulgence but also a nutritional resource that helps maintain their digestive equilibrium and overall health.

Why do chickens like to eat blueberries?

Chickens’ fondness for eating blueberries stems from a combination of sensory delight and inherent behaviors. The taste and texture of blueberries play a significant role in their appeal to chickens. The balance between sweetness and tartness creates a unique flavor that captures their interest, while the soft, yielding texture offers a satisfying contrast to their regular diet. This sensory experience is enhanced by the burst of aroma released as they peck at the blueberry’s skin, engaging their keen sense of smell and enhancing their overall eating experience.

Beyond taste and texture, the act of eating blueberries taps into chickens’ natural instincts. Chickens are instinctive foragers, and the process of pecking and probing at the blueberry replicates their innate behaviors in the wild. This foraging activity not only provides mental stimulation but also keeps them physically active and engaged. Additionally, the introduction of new treats like blueberries adds a layer of variety to their diet, fulfilling their natural curiosity and desire for diverse foods.

From a nutritional perspective, the beneficial compounds in blueberries contribute to the chickens’ well-being, even if they aren’t consciously aware of it. The antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals found in blueberries can support their overall health and energy levels. As social animals, chickens often share the experience of eating blueberries with their flock mates, enhancing their sense of community and connection with their environment. Ultimately, the joy chickens derive from eating blueberries encapsulates a holistic blend of taste, sensory stimulation, instinctual behaviors, and nutritional benefits.


Blueberries, beyond their delectable taste, offer chickens a dual advantage of natural sugars and hydration support. The natural sugars found in blueberries can provide a quick source of energy for chickens. These sugars are readily absorbed by their bodies, making them a convenient energy boost, especially during periods of increased activity or stress. This can be particularly beneficial during molting, cold weather, or any other time when chickens may require extra energy to maintain their well-being.

Moreover, blueberries have a high water content, contributing to hydration in chickens. Proper hydration is vital for optimal physiological functions, egg production, and overall health. Chickens that receive adequate hydration are better equipped to regulate body temperature, facilitate digestion, and ensure the efficient transport of nutrients throughout their bodies. The combination of natural sugars and water content in blueberries not only satisfies chickens’ taste buds but also addresses their essential energy and hydration needs, making these little berries a valuable addition to their diet.

Blueberries and egg production

The relationship between blueberries and egg production in chickens highlights the intricate interplay between nutrition and productivity. Blueberries, rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, can indirectly contribute to improved egg-laying rates and egg quality. The nutrients present in blueberries, such as vitamin C and various antioxidants, play a role in supporting overall health, bolstering the immune system, and reducing oxidative stress in chickens. A healthier, less stressed flock is more likely to maintain consistent egg production, as their energy is channeled towards egg formation rather than combating infections.

Furthermore, blueberries’ potential impact on egg production can be attributed to their role in maintaining proper reproductive health. Vitamins like vitamin K, found in blueberries, play a part in blood clotting, which can be crucial for minimizing complications during egg laying. The fiber content in blueberries also supports healthy digestion, ensuring that the nutrients necessary for egg development are efficiently absorbed. By introducing blueberries as a supplemental treat, chicken keepers provide a flavorful source of essential nutrients that contribute to the well-being of their flock and potentially translate into improved egg production over time.

Chicken grit and blueberries

Blueberries, while a nutritious and flavorful treat for chickens, raise an important consideration regarding the need for adequate grit in their diet. Grit, in the form of small, hard particles such as small rocks or pebbles, is essential for chickens’ digestion. When chickens consume foods like blueberries, which are relatively soft and may not require extensive grinding in the gizzard, the presence of grit becomes crucial. Grit assists in breaking down food in the gizzard, aiding in the mechanical breakdown of tougher substances and enhancing nutrient absorption.

Introducing blueberries to chickens’ diet emphasizes the significance of a balanced approach to feeding. While these berries offer a plethora of vitamins, antioxidants, and beneficial compounds, they also accentuate the necessity of providing appropriate access to grit. Chicken keepers should ensure that their flock has access to grit, either through free-ranging opportunities where they can naturally ingest small stones and particles, or by providing commercial poultry grit. This thoughtful combination of blueberries and grit not only complements the nutritional needs of the chickens but also underscores the importance of maintaining a well-rounded and attentive dietary regimen.


So, the answer to the question ‘can chickens eat blueberries?’ is a yes.

They are going to love them. However, due to the high sugar content and low protein content, you are going to want to severely limit the number of blueberries that your chickens have access to. If you give them too many, then there is a chance they will stop becoming productive. This is going to cause major issues for you going forward.

At the end, just like with other fruits, chickens can eat blueberries, but they should never form more than 10% of your chicken’s diet. In fact, no fruit should form than this quantity of your chicken’s diet.

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