Buff Orpington Growth Chart – Week By Week

In March of 2019, I purchased six straight run Buff Orpington chicks. Within the first year I have had a total of five hens and one rooster. These chickens began to grow at an incredible rate as soon and put on weight of over 8 pounds, as seen bellow in the Buff Orpington growth chart.

For those who are thinking of acquiring this breed, I’d want to provide you some background information before going into specifics about the Buff Orpington’s growth rate.

buff orpington growth chart

What To Expect From Buff Orpington Chicken?

I can tell you that Buff Orpingtons are very docile (easy going) chickens that enjoy attention from humans. Even when these chickens become more mature in size they will still enjoy human interaction during their daily activities while wandering around the yard.

Most days it is fairly common to see the majority of my flock gathered together in a small group resting under the shade of a tree or on top of garden benches underneath my deck.

At this time all five hens will be huddled up against each other taking turns snuggling into their feathered bodies for warmth and comfort.

Buff orpington chickens are a dual-purpose breed, meaning they have been selectively bred to produce both meat and eggs.

This makes them well suited as backyard chickens for homesteads as they can be used to provide plenty of fresh eggs all year round, or being butchered at the end of their first year to provide roasting birds for the festive table. They reach butchering weight of around 5-6lb in just 5 months (26 weeks old).

Hens are known for being particularly broody. Great news if you’re trying to avoid incubating chicken eggs yourself. Hens will happily sit on a clutch and they can also be used as excellent mothers to hatch and raise other chicks from different breeds.

The buff color is one of four varieties recognized for this breed with black, white and blue also being accepted by breed standards.

Buff Orpington chickens are large birds with hens weighing up to 8lb when fully grown. The roosters can reach up to 10lb. They make an attractive addition to any flock.

When it comes to egg laying my Buff Orpington hens gives me around three to four eggs per week on average. Sometimes I might get five eggs, but sometimes I might only get two.

So, around 200 eggs per year which may not sound like much compared to some egg laying breeds.

Buff Orpington growth chart

Buff Orpington Growth Chart

I’ve created a Buff Orpington growth chart that follows the growth rate week by week, keeping track of the weight of the chicks from day of hutch until they reached 40 weeks old.

The chart is a rough estimate of where the average Buff Orpington will be in terms of weight at given time.

Age in WeeksWeight of Buff Orpington
Pullets in Pounds
Buff Orpington Growth Chart

From the Buff Orpington growth chart I have provided we can see that these chickens are going to grow very quickly.

The above growth chart may also help you determine how much longer until your chicken reaches maturity, matures into a full-grown chicken that can breed or lay eggs.

Buff Orpington Growth Chart – Cockerel vs Pullet

This year I was recording the growth rate of my birds and keeping notes so I could create a Buff Orpington growth chart comparing the weights of cockerels and pullets.

Age in WeeksCockerelPullet
Buff Orpington Growth Chart – Cockerel vs Pullet
Buff Orpington Growth Chart

Chick Stage (0-6 Weeks): The journey of a Buff Orpington begins as a fluffy and adorable chick. During the first few weeks, these chicks require warmth, proper nutrition, and protection. They are provided with a brooder setup to maintain the ideal temperature, usually around 95°F (35°C), which is gradually decreased as they grow. A starter feed rich in protein supports their rapid growth during this phase. Buff Orpington chicks develop their feathers and start showing their characteristic buff coloration, with occasional hints of darker hues.

Juvenile Stage (6-16 Weeks): As Buff Orpingtons transition from chicks to juveniles, their growth rate continues, and their appearance becomes more distinct. By this stage, they have developed their iconic buff plumage, which is soft and fluffy to the touch. At around 8-10 weeks, they can be moved from the brooder to a coop equipped to accommodate their increasing size. The transition is eased by providing ample space, proper ventilation, and a balanced diet that promotes bone and muscle development.

Young Adult Stage (16-24 Weeks): As Buff Orpingtons approach the young adult stage, their growth rate begins to slow down. They continue to gain size and gradually develop their characteristic full-size body structure. During this period, their dietary needs shift towards layer feed to support the impending egg-laying phase. Providing them with a balanced diet rich in calcium ensures the development of strong eggshells once they start laying.

Mature Stage (24 Weeks and Beyond): Around 5-6 months of age, Buff Orpingtons typically reach maturity, and their growth rate stabilizes. They exhibit their full-size bodies, with hens weighing approximately 5-7 pounds and roosters weighing slightly more. At this point, the hens are likely to start laying eggs. The Buff Orpington is renowned for its consistent and reliable egg production, which can yield around 175-200 eggs per year. Their gentle demeanor and stunning appearance make them not only practical layers but also endearing companions in the backyard.

Factors Influencing Growth: Several factors can influence the growth rate and development of Buff Orpingtons. Genetics, nutrition, environmental conditions, and overall care play crucial roles in determining their growth trajectory. Providing a well-balanced diet, ensuring access to fresh water, offering a clean and spacious living environment, and regular health checks contribute to healthy growth and development.

In conclusion, observing the growth chart of Buff Orpingtons reveals the fascinating journey from fluffy chicks to charming young adults. Each stage of their growth brings unique requirements, from warmth and protein-rich feeds during the chick stage to layer feeds and calcium supplements for mature hens. Their gentle temperament, stunning appearance, and dependable egg-laying abilities make Buff Orpingtons a cherished addition to any backyard flock. Understanding their growth pattern and nurturing their needs at each stage ensures the well-being and vitality of these beloved chickens.


When you are looking for a new breed of chicken, it is important to find one that has qualities and characteristics that meet your needs.

The Buff Orpington can be described as friendly, docile and easy-going which would make them an excellent addition to any family with children or other pets.

They enjoy human interaction and will flock together when they feel the need for warmth or protection from predators.

Buff Orpingtons also lay eggs on average around three times per week but not every day like some breeds.

These chickens grow quickly so you’ll know how much longer until maturity by using my Buff Orpington growth chart (shown above).

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